Home NBA Kevin Love and Genomind Join Forces to Introduce a New Expert Starting Point for Mental Wellness

Kevin Love and Genomind Join Forces to Introduce a New Expert Starting Point for Mental Wellness

by chris Hardin
Kevin Love and Genomind Join Forces to Introduce a New Expert Starting Point for Mental Wellness.

Professional basketball player Kevin Love is continuing his public crusade advocating for mental health and wellness by partnering with Genomind®, a leading mental health company that has been working with mental health professionals for more than a decade.

The company’s Professional PGx Express™ test evaluates variants of 24 genes, and is designed to help mental health providers select effective, well tolerated medications at the right doses in order to reduce the costly and potentially tragic trial and error that is so often seen with medications used for mental health.

“I’ve been very public about my own struggles with anxiety and depression in the hopes that by talking about it, I could help others come to terms with their own mental health issues and get the help they need. I’ve said it before and it’s even more true after the year we’ve had: Everyone is going through something that we can’t see. The first step is being open to help,” said Love. “When I received my Mental Health Map results and reviewed them with a Genomind expert advisor, the first thing I noticed was the accuracy, based on knowing myself.”

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